March 27, 2014

Rather be dead.

Today I was so overwhelmed with cleaning, money, midterms, packing, living, that I decided what a better time to sit and watch the Refused Are Fucking Dead documentary and then spend another hour on Youtube looking for live footage?

Well, I'm pretty glad I did because I found this. I'd give my left boob to see this band live.

Then, I'd give the other boob to Pussy Riot.

1 comment:

  1. Awe! You didn't go to FYF? After so many desperate attempts of getting tickets in SF, Pomona (Confliced with Radiohead), I was finallllly able to see them at FYF. Literal rush of endorphins and adrenaline. I never thought I'd see them live. Totally worth enduring a festival. -sleepylife
