April 29, 2014


Queue the tiny sad violin, it's time to finally upload my favorite Instax pictures from Paris.
I don't know why I lagged so hard on this, but enjoy. 

#1: Lay in the grass somewhere really big and feel really small.

 #2: Even if you've been conned by a friendly Gypsy the day before, give the kind Egyptian stranger the time of day. He will walk with you for literally 11 hours and buy you a coffee and explain to you why the waiter is yelling at you in French to get your phone off the table.

#3: Make yourself get lost and bring your iPod. Listen to Summer Heart's "I Wanna Go" on repeat. Try not to step in homeless people pee.

#4: Buy a beer by yourself and offer someone your lighter. Get drunk with her and her friends. Take pictures of people without their permission. Let someone walk you home.

#5: Look at and fall in love with everything.

#6: Appreciate the monuments. Then, create your own.

#7: Agree to go in a stranger's house and find out how hard it is to mime "raspberry" when you're high. Meet people that make it hard to leave.

#8: Hang out with yourself. Read and think and write and eat and laugh and sit and wander.

Then come back and be changed in the best way possible.

1 comment:

  1. Love all of your photos!!! Such an awesome trip! xo Andrea
